Today, Eighty-four years ago, a very special aunt, to yours truly (the current keeper of our family history), was born to Robert N. Eimes (1898-1979) and Ines 'Inez' Eimes nee Tabeling (1908-1983).
It was in 2008, on my first → genealogy trip ← to Kentucky, that I would meet my Aunt Ginnie for the first time in my life! When I started researching my family history, I discovered I had a long lost aunt. We have grown very close to each other since, we talk every Wednesday and Sunday . . . I couldn't have been blessed with a more beautiful auntie!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUNT GINNIE . . . We love you so very much!
This photo was taken of my aunt by a professional photographer and displayed in his studio window - aunt Ginnie looks like a movie star! She surprised me with a copy of this beautiful photo, that now hangs in my home.