In 2010, when my mom, Elfriede Haf (1933-2010) passed away, I inherited her collection of photos, letters, postcards and greeting cards that she had received and saved from family and friends . . . postcards she purchased on trips that she collected and kept over the years . . . for a while, it was hard for me to go thru these items, I just wasn't ready . . . but now, I feel I am. Mom was born in Augsburg, Germany and immigrated to the United States in 1956, leaving her entire family and embarking on a new journey in her life . . . she would fly back "home" about once a year. Mom loved to travel, so I have many postcards she kept from her travels and received from family in Augsburg, Germany.
One of the most rewarding gifts I have received from these letters and postcards is where they were sent to, the many addresses we lived at, postmarks with the dates . . . truly a genealogical treasure chest . . . I then created a timeline of our homes and all those places we have lived . . . love timelines and mapping where we have been.
For the last few months, I have been scanning, organizing and focusing mainly on the letters and postcards . . . it's as if I am traveling to those far away places today. I thought it was time to share those postcards here on my blog ~ beautifully captured scenes of our beloved Augsburg and from her travels throughout Germany and other countries. I would have to say that most of her collection of postcards are from Augsburg, Germany but there is much to share from other beautiful places ~
Welcome to my blog series, Postcards From Germany ~
Augsburg -
Wahrzeichen der Stadt:
Das Rathaus mit Perlachturm
von Elias Holl
Foto: Verkehrsverein Augsburg e.V.
-Nr. 113
Translation ~
Augsburg -
True to the city:
The town hall with Perlachturm
by Elias Holl
2000 Jahre Augsburg
Dom St. Maria
Gotischer Bau auf romanischem Kern
Erste Weihe 807 unter Bischof Simpert
Domlange 113 m, Breite 40 m, Ostchor 28 m hoch
Bronzeportal mit 35 Reliefs, 11. Jh.
altester Glasfensterzyklus der Welt, 11. Jh.
Foto: Traudel Buhler, Augsburg - Nr. 130
Translation ~
2000 years Augsburg
Cathedral of St. Mary
Gothic building on Romanesque core
First consecration 807 under Bishop Simpert
Cathedral length 113 m, width 40 m, east choir 28 m high
Bronze portal with 35 reliefs, 11th cent.
Oldest Glass Window Cycle in the World, 11th Century.
Romantsches Augsburg
Die beiden Wasserturme wurden vom 15. bis 17. Jahr-hundert erbaut. Im Hintergrund das Roste Tor, 1622 von Elias Holl als Wachturm errichtet, sowie der gotische
Hochgiebel des Spitals.
Foto: Dr. Stefan Vogel - Nr. 147
Translation ~
Romantic Augsburg
The two water towers were built from the 15th to the 17th century. In the background the grate gate, built in 1622 by Elias Holl as a watchtower, as well as the gothic
high gable of the hospital.
Der Goldene Saal
Im Augsburger Rathaus (zerstort im Febr. 1944) ist einer
der grossten historischen Rathaussale in Mitteleuropa. Der
Augsburger Matthias Kager war der Schopfer der reichen
ausstattung (Lange 32, 5 m, Breite 17, 5 m, Hohe 14 m).
Aufnahme: Stadt Augsburg - Fotolabor - Nr. 160
Translation ~
The Golden Hall
In the Augsburg city hall (destroyed in the febr. 1944) is one
the largest historical town halls in Central Europe. Of the
Augsburg Matthias Kager was the creator of the rich
equipment (length 32, 5 m, width 17, 5 m, height 14 m).
Augsburg. Stadt. Kunstsammlungen
Festsaal im Schaezler-Palais. 1767.
Aufnahme: A. F. Kersting, London
Deutscher Kunstverlag, Munchen Berlin
F 142
Translation ~
Augsburg City. Art Collections
Ballroom in Schaezler-Palais. 1767.
Photo: A. F. Kersting, London
German art publisher, Munchen (Munich), Berlin
The bag that I found this set of postcards in . . . Mom must have purchased
them on one of her trips home.