Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My Christmas wishes to all of you~

~ Happy Holidays and warm Christmas wishes to all of the genea~bloggers and your families ~ and to making many new memories in the New Year for generations to come . May all your genea~wishes come true ~

~The Webb Family~


Victorian Santa : A visit from Saint Nicholas card is from: The Graphics Fairy

Joyous Noel card is from: The Feathered Nest

Thank you both for such beautiful images.


All other images are held and owned by Gini Webb 2009~

Victorian Christmas card is from my Uncle Adi. Frohe Weihnachten tag is from my cousin Marion, and in the two lower corners on each side are the inside and back of a Christmas card I made in 2007 that holds a square piece of chocolate inside.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Advent Calendar ~ Christmas Music

Christmas music was always a part of our Holidays when I was a child but I do not recall what particular artist or songs played. My mom was and is very much into classical and choir music so I am sure the music would have been of that genre and very German.

I do remember getting my first record player for Christmas and I know the one record I wanted was "Frosty the Snowman" and I also remember getting "Jolly Old Saint Nicholas".

For me as an adult, my favorite Christmas/Holiday music is the "Manheim Steamrollers" and their version of Silent Night is my favorite song. Manheim Steamrollers versions of traditional Christmas music is done beautifully and is wonderful to listen to - every Christmas I bring out each and every CD I have of theirs to listen to. I have just about all of them.

Music is a big part of my life year around but Christmas music is special and I love listening to most all of it. While I clean or decorate for the holidays - at times I will put the cable music channel on, there is a channel dedicated to just holiday music with a variety of old and new and in-between. It's fun to listen to. I have to say that I very much love listening to Christmas Choirs and each year attend Church Christmas shows.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Advent Calendar ~ Christmas Gifts

I remember as a child, I didn't place alot of importance on gifts. Don't get me wrong, I was just like all the other children, but I just didn't expect much in the way of presents . Maybe it's the way I was brought up.

For as far back as I can remember, it was just mom and I. Mom and my stepfather separated when I was young. Mom always made sure I had gifts and usually gifts I wanted or needed. Spending time with my mom and enjoying the spirit of Christmas as it is intended to be, meant much more to me. Mom and the memories became the gift.

I do recall three special gifts that I received as a child that are quite memorable:

Abt: 1959
I wanted a baton and I was so proud to get one! I ended up in a few parades twirling my baton with blisters on my feet from the new white majorette boots.

I wanted a record player. I was so happy when I unwrapped the present to find the neatest record player. I remember the color being a minty green! Mom had given me several records to go with it. The record I remember the most is "Frosty the Snowman". I played that record over and over! abt 1959 >>

My Oma's home with a few relatives I don't have names for. I am sitting next to mom holding a little mini stein I was given as a Christmas gift. It had a photo of my birth city, Augsburg, Germany.

The third and most memorable gift was the trip that mom and I took when I was thirteen years old to Germany for Christmas. What a gift that was in itself. Making memories with all of my German relatives was an experience I will never forget.

Augsburg, Germany

I had been wanting a pair of ice skates so badly. My Oma and mom had made sure I got them ~ they were beautiful! To me they were special because they came from my grandmother, my mom and while I was in Germany. To me, they were different than American ice skates. At some point on our trip, mom took me to an outdoor ice skating rink, it was the best Christmas gift I could have ever imagined. I was a pretty lucky girl.

Unfortunately, I do not have a photo of those skates and the skates have come and gone. I actually had those skates up to a few years ago. I am sorry I had let them go, however, those skates are etched in my memory forever.

I love giving gifts, always have. I love to see the expression on my daughter and grand kids faces, or others when you know it's just the right gift. That's what it's all about, again, the experience becomes the gift.

I also like to participate in a program for children that are in need of clothes and toys. It's such a good feeling knowing that a child out there will have a new jacket to stay warm by.

Photos held and owned by Gini Webb 2007

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Wordless Wednesday ~ Brookery Elliott~Ewing

1949 ~ 2005
Brookery Elliott~Ewing

On this day four years ago, Brook passed away suddenly. We miss you deeply Brook, may you rest in peace.

This photo was taken just hours before Brook passed, who would have known. Her photo was taken at work for her ten year celebration that was coming up. Brook is my daughter's step mom.

Original of photo held by her two daughters Mashell and Victoria and her son, Myles. My daughter and I have a framed copy under my framed generation chart, Brook was a big part of our family.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Advent Calendar ~ Christmas Cookies ~

~German Spritz Cookies and Nita's Banana Bread~

Christmas Cookies are a very big part of our Christmas. In November, mom starts baking and stores them in tin containers until a week before Christmas. Mom would have platters full of each type of cookie on the table for when friends and family stop by.

My favorite cookie as I had posted about in the Advent Calendar Holiday Foods post, is mom's Spritz Cookie! They are so good. I am a hardcore tea drinker, when I get to mom's, the electric kettle goes on, mom and I sit and chat while I enjoy several Spritz cookies. These cookies always bring back such loving memories of Mom and home.

Mom still uses a cookie press that she brought with her from Germany when we came to the states. I have tried to make these cookies. It's pretty comical ~ the modern cookie press I have is a nightmare to use and my cookies come out disastrous each time! Until I inherit the German cookie press, I leave the Spritz cookie making to mom.

Mom's German Spritz Cookies

1 cup of butter (2 sticks) softened
3/4 cup sugar
1 large egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon almond extract
2 cups flour
1/2 cup toasted sliced blanched almonds finely ground

Optional: toppings (sprinkles, cherries, etc.). In the last few years, mom has dipped half of the cookie in chocolate, which is my favorite.

Preheat oven to 375 degrees

Cream butter, add sugar, beat until light and fluffy. Beat in eggs and extracts. Gradually blend in flour and almonds. Using either a cookie press or pastry bag, pipe different shapes (mom makes an S, or a round or straight 3" cookie, it's up to your imagination) onto un-greased cookie sheet. Bake for approximately 10 to 12 minutes or until a pale golden color. Remove cookies and cool on wire racks. Decorate as you please.

Enjoy ~


I have also started my own baking tradition: Banana Bread. It's not a cookie but I wanted to share it here anyway. It is the best banana bread I have ever tasted. The recipe is from my childhood best friend, Sandy's mom (my second mom), Nita. This recipe is a huge hit around our house and I take a loaf to our friends that have a Christmas morning breakfast every year at their home. Nita's banana bread is wonderful and each time I make it, it brings a smile to my face with many wonderful memories. Thank you Nita, I love ya!

Nita's Banana Bread

(published with permission)

3 cups flour
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 or 2 cups sugar (I use 1 cup and its just right)
1 teaspoon salt

Mix all together, then add:
1 1/2 cup oil
1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
3 eggs
1 8oz can of crushed pineapple with the juice
3 mashed bananas
Chocolate chips (optional - I always add chocolate chips, the are a nice addition.)

Bake in a greased and floured tube or bundt pan at 350 for about an hour. Keep checking with a toothpick to make sure you don't over cook it. Makes 2 loaves.


I don't have any photos of mom's cookies or Nita's banana bread. As they are made this year,  I will have photos to share.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Advent Calendar ~ Holiday Parties ~

As a child, I don't recall mom having holiday parties. I do know that we would have close friends over for a traditional turkey dinner and opening our gifts Christmas Eve, but not what you would call a party. Mom knows how to entertain too, she would have a full on dinner, and everything would look beautiful from her German tablecloths with Christmas china to the Christmas tree and decorations thru-out the house ~ I do remember that.

Mom did say that after I left home she would always have holiday parties at her apartment complex, thanks mom you wait till I leave!

My husbands employer would hold quite lavish Christmas Balls. We wouldn't attend every year but every few years we would get formally dressed up ~ hubby in a tux and all! I always enjoyed just sitting back observing and people watching! This particular group would always be interesting with lots of stuff going on!

My (former) employer always had their Christmas parties in January and always held at the same restaurant: The Butcher Shop. We would rent the back room, the food was excellent. I chuckled when reading Amy's post over at We Tree and her description of her husbands employer, "There was a ton of dysfunction in that place" was an exact description of our Christmas parties! I too would sit back and observe at all the drama unfold in amazement. Come Monday morning, several would just stay in their offices and be very busy! Thank you Amy for giving me the perfect description, I was searching for the words!

As for parties here in our home, we really don't have any. Our culdesac does get together almost every year. We each bring a dish to share. Sometimes if it's not too cold, we will bring chairs and set up tables right out in the street with a big fire pit in the middle. If it's too chilly, we will meet at one of the neighbors home. We just attended one two houses over last Sunday and it was nice to chat and catch up with everyone instead of just waving as we all back out of our driveways in the morning! We have a tight neighborhood and it really is more like a big family.

Christmas Eve, all three girls come over with our grand kids and we open gifts. It's easier this way because they are all grown and have their own families and traditions now and Christmas Day is their time to do that. For dinner I will make a big pot of chili, making it casual and simple.

Advent Calendar 2009

Advent Calendar ~ Santa Claus~

Santa Claus....in our home, it was St. Nicholas. To be honest I have very little memories of Santa Claus. That I recall, I did not write a letter to him at the North Pole, nor did I get one from him.

I do know that at a very early age, intuitively I knew that Santa was not real! Especially when you would see one in every shopping mall. Knowing this, I never said a word to my friends or other children at school, I didn't want them to know that I knew and also I didn't want to ruin it for them.

Growing up it was just mom and I. She worked alot of hours so that we had a good life. Mom always made Christmas special and I know she worked very hard to make sure that I had a Christmas to remember and several gifts ~ she was my Santa and I am forever grateful to her. For me, it was not about the gifts, it was about being with family.

With my daughter and my grandchildren, Santa is alive and well and we all believe!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Advent Calendar ~ Day 5 ~ Outside Lights

The beginning of Christmas lites ~

In 1882, an associate of Thomas Edison, electrically lit a Christmas tree for the first time.

In 1903, the first set of lights for a Christmas tree were offered to the public by General Electric.

In 1906, about the first time figural Christmas lights were introduced to the United States, imported from Austria and Germany.

In 1910, General Electric begins to change the shape of their Christmas lamps from traditional pear shape to perfectly round.

A full timeline (1800 ~ 1970) and history of Christmas lights are available at this great site.


I don't have alot of memories of my stepfather putting up outdoor Christmas lites, my memories mainly consist of interior decorating. I know he did put lites up, I just don't remember seeing him actually doing it.

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia

As a child and well into the 70's, I remember the sort of lites that were used: a C 7 or C 9 lamp, the NOMAS or MAZDAS famous bubble lites in bright colors. These would be the ones that my stepfather put up as well as others in our neighborhood. Kids use to steal them because they would pop when thrown on the ground!

I know that these lites were also used on Christmas trees as well, in fact, my father-in-law still has a set of these lites that he uses on the tree every year! He is very old fashion and loves his lites. Each time I see them, it's a flashback in time! Christmas lites have certainly come a long way.

Currently and reluctantly, my husband does put our outdoor lights up. He waits until the last minute too! We use the icicle lites and they really do look pretty. Our neighbors put up their lites so our cul-de-sac is very well lit.

Each year, we take a drive with our grand kids to a neighborhood known as Jingle Bell Hill in El Cajon that goes all out! It is absolutely beautiful. In Chula Vista we use to have Candy Cane Lane, now replaced with Christmas Circle. I do love outdoor Christmas lites, this year, I am bugging hubby to put ours up earlier than usual. I of course always have my Christmas wreath on the front door.

Advent Calendar 2009

Monday, November 30, 2009

Great Oma Margarete's German Marble Cake~

For the upcoming Holiday 2009 edition of the GeneaBloggers cookbook. Now is the time to gather those favorite holiday recipes along with any photos and stories that help illustrate how important the recipe was to your family. For details on how to participate, head on over to Geneabloggers.

The family history of our marble cake~

The little girl on a relatives lap is me! great Oma Margarete ~ 1888~1972 ~ sits next to my Opa all the way to the right. My two uncles Helumt and Adi (twins) are standing along with my cousin Meggi who was always near and protective, even as I grew older! This photo captures one of the many visits held on each Sunday!

My Oma (grandmother), my Mom and the author of this blog, grew up on this German Marble Cake! This cake is my childhood favorite out of any of the German dishes my mom made. Mom would make this cake just about every Sunday, and I would get to lick the bowl too (best part)! It’s great with coffee or tea.

Every Sunday afternoon in Germany, tradition would be that the family members would get together for coffee at my great -grandmother, Margarete Kaiser Saule’s home. This German Marble Cake was part of that tradition at every visit!

Little did she know it would be passed all the way down to me! Thank you Mom, Oma and great Oma, I will continue to pass this recipe – with pleasure!

~ My Great Oma Margarete's German Marble Cake ~

1 cup soft butter
2 & 2/3 cup sugar (2 or up to 2 & 2/3 cups)
2 & 2/3 cups flour
4 eggs
1 package vanilla sugar or 1 teaspoon vanilla essence/extract
2/3 cup cornstarch
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 pinch of salt
½ cup of milk (add additional milk slowly if needed for smoother batter)
¼ cup cocoa powder
1 tablespoon powder sugar

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease and flour a fluted tube pan or bundt pan.

In a large mixing bowl, crème together the softened butter, sugar and vanilla essence/extract until fluffy. Add the eggs one at a time, mixing thoroughly after each addition.

In a separate mixing bowl, sift and combine the flour, corn starch, baking powder and salt. Add dry ingredients to butter mixture and blend together thoroughly.

Pour half of the yellow batter into greased pan. Add cocoa powder to remaining batter and blend. Slowly pour the cocoa batter on top of the yellow batter. Carefully (not too much or you will loose the effect), draw the knife several times through the batter, creating a marbleizing effect.

Bake for one hour or until toothpick inserted comes out clean. Allow cake to cool in pan for 20 minutes, invert onto a plate or cake plate and sprinkle with powdered sugar.


Mom lives about an hour and thirty minutes away from me, she drove down and stayed with me during Thanksgiving week. As we sat together, mom translated this recipe from German to English, she shared tradition and stories about this marble cake. Our time together was very special. Thank you mom, you are the best!
Photo now owned and held by Gini Webb (further research to be done on other relatives in photo).

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Giving Thanks...

...to all the geneabloggers. I have been blessed with so many new friends and have had the opportunity to learn and grow from each and everyone of you. I have always felt that the genealogy blogging community is more like family than strangers over the Internet, and I am thankful to be a part of it.

I am very thankful that everyone in my family is healthy. My mom has been here since Monday visiting, and we had the best time together. After her heart attacks in May, I cannot tell you what a relief it is to see her happy, and back to her beautiful lively self! I have the best mom: loving, supportive, and always there no matter what. Thank you mom, I love you with all of my heart.

I am thankful to have a wonderful family: my husband, my daughter and my grand kids. That we are all here with each other to spend the day together laughing, and hanging out making many more memories.

To my best friend Sandy, who has been through it all with me and never ever left my side, I love you Sandy. We have been best friends since the third grade! I cannot say thank you enough.

To Honor, my sister-in-law who is more like a sister. We have known each other since I was fifteen years old (and that was a long time ago)! I so enjoyed our time together yesterday. The love and support that she has given me so unconditionally, is rare. This lady is remarkable and has left a footprint on my heart forever. Thank you.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thank you Graphics Fairy for the use of a wonderful image!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Happy 30th Birthday, my precious baby girl!!

Today, November 20th, - thirty years ago - you came into this world, what a very sweet day that was. Your birthday is really my celebration...because your life has made such a difference...

Happy Birthday my sweet daughter with these birthday wishes for you ~

Of all the things I wish for you, I would give anything if these wishes could always come true...

I want you to be happy. I want you to fill your heart with feeling of wonder and to be full of courage and hope. I want you to have the type of friendship that is a treasure ~ and the kind of love that is beautiful forever.

I wish you the insight to see your inner and outer beauty. I want you to know millions of moments when you find satisfaction in the things you do so wonderfully.

Of all the things I'll be wishing for, wherever you are and whatever I may do, there will never be a day in my life when I won't be wishing the best for you...

I love you ~ Mom

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wordless Wednesday ~ San Diego Skyline

Digital photo taken and owned by Gini 2009

San Diego Skyline taken from a friends boat on a Sunday afternoon.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Blog is Decorated and Ready For The Holiday's~

Ginisology is ready for the holiday's! I love Christmas so my blog and I are ready to go!

Thomas over at Destination: Austin Family has a great tutorial to get you and your blog ready for the holiday's. There are so many wonderful free templates to pick from too - just be sure to backup your blog first. So head on over and enjoy - thank you Thomas for getting us into the Holiday spirit!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Veteran's Day~ To All Who Serve ~

Happy Veteran's Day~

I want to thank all who have served - are serving now - their families and to so many who have lost their lives so that we are protected and have our freedom. We are eternally grateful and will never forget.

The following have served in my own family~

Adalbert Haf ~ 27 Feb 1907 ~ 9 Feb 1967 ~ my maternal grandfather served in the German Mountain Troopers in Russia during WWII. A gun shot shattered his shoulder, he returned home, however, due to his injury, he was unable to continue with his profession as a Webermeister - a fabric weaver. He is Buried in Augsburg,


John Adam Eimes ~ 27 Dec 1931 ~ 14 Jan 1997 ~my father ~ served for the United States Army in the Korean and Vietnam Wars. He was injured by shrapnel but continued on and retired from the Army many years after. Date of retirement is unknown at this time. He is buried at Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery in Saint Louis, Missouri.

Robert Newton Eimes ~ 06 Jun 1898 ~ 25 Aug 1979 ~ my paternal grandfather ~ served in the United States Army in WWI. As of this date, I have very little information on his military status. He is buried at Camp Nelson National Cemetery in Nicholasville, Kentucky. I have no photos at this time.

James E. Eimes ~ 07 Sept 1950 ~ 15 July 2006 ~ my paternal first cousin ~ served in the U. S. Navy and received training as a nuclear machinist's mate propulsion plant operator.

He served as a prototype nuclear plant instructor from 1970 until 1973 when he was selected for the Naval Enlisted Scientific Education Program. He earned his bachelor's degree and a master's degree in nuclear engineering from Purdue University in 1977. He was then commissioned as an ensign in the U.S. Navy in 1977. James was hand selected by Admiral Hyman G. Rickover for duty at Naval Reactors ( a joint program of the Department of the Navy and the Department of Energy) with cradle-to-grave responsibility for the reactors aboard all U.S. naval nuclear-powered warships. He retired from the Navy in 1989.

A building in Bremerton, Washington, was dedicated in his name:

A4W Fleet Interactive Display Equipment (FIDE) Training Simulator on September 11, 2008.

Building Dedication Ceremony front page of booklet reads as:

In recognition of his tireless commitment
to the training principles of the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program,

we dedicate this building on September 11, 2008 to the memory of


"Too much training is just about right"

To all who have fallen - rest in peace - we will never forget. To all who fight for us, we are grateful to you and your families - we will never forget.

The Kreativ Blogger Award ~ Thank You, Carol!

What a pleasant surprise to receive the "Kreativ Blogger Award" today from Carol and her wonderful blog "Reflections From the Fence" - we share the love of RV'ing! It's always fun to read about Carol's "RV" traveling adventures and whats going on with "Tana."

Thank you so much Carol - I am very honored and grateful to have been chosen.

The winner of the award has to list seven things about themselves and then pass the award along to seven other bloggers.

Here we go:

1. My family means the world to me and they come first. Grateful that my Mom is my best friend, the one I can trust and count on. She is an amazing Lady.

2. I love spending time with my precious grandkids, what we learn from them, is priceless.

3. The friendships I have here in the blogoshpere and with my "non" genealogy friends, have made me a very rich girl and I treasure them.

4. Although fairly new, I am extremely passionate and very serious about the preservation of my family history~ genealogy for generations to come.

5. I love to make my own cards using pretty papers and writing with my huge selection of different colored pens!

6. Surrounding myself with positive, supportive and geniune people. I love helping others when I can.

7. Camping and going to the desert in our RV coach. It's nicer than my home - just kidding but it is nice!

It was very difficult to pick just seven, each and every blogger out there has their own wonderful unique Kreativness. Here are my seven~

1. Herstoryan ~ Herstoryan

2. I Never Knew My Father ~ Sandra Taliaferro

3. Georgia Black Crackers ~ Mavis Jones

4. Heritage Happens ~ Cheryl Palmer

5. Elyse's Genealogy Blog ~ Elyse Doerflinger

6. Life From The Roots ~ Barbara Poole

7. Kick-Ass Genealogy ~ Katrina McQuarrie

There are so many more I would like to list here but I had to leave some for other bloggers to choose from! Enjoy - each blog is full of interesting reading enjoyment, information and family stories.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Treasure Chest Thursday ~ The Genealogist's Psalm~

~Another treasure from my email inbox from my dear friend RachelAlign Center~

The Genealogist's Psalm

Genealogy is my pastime, I shall not stray;

It maketh me to lie down and examine half~buried tombstones.

It leadeth me into still Court Houses,

It restoreth my ancestral knowledge.

It leadeth me in paths of census records and ships'

passengers list for my surname's sake.

Yea, though I walk through the shadows

of research libraries and microfilm readers,

I shall fear no discouragement;

For a strong urge is with me;

The curiosity and motivation

They comforteth me.

It demandeth preparation of storage space for the

acquisition of countless documents;

It anointest my head with burning midnight oil,

My family group sheets runneth over.

Surely birth, marriage, and death dates shall follow me

all the day of my life;

And I shall dwell in the house of a family~history seeker

for ever.

~Author ~Wildamae Brestal

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wordless Wednesday ~ Bates Nut Farm~

Bates Nut Farm
Valley Center, California
October 2009
Pumpkin patch, and Fall time events for family.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tombstone Tuesday ~ Titanic Headstones

I have always had a deep interest in the Titanic, it's history, victims and her survivors. My dear friends Michael and Linda, recently returned from a cruise that took them from New York to Halifax, Nova Scotia, where they toured the Fairview Lawn Cemetery in Halifax. They then when onto Quebec, Canada. Knowing my passion and love of family history, genealogy, cemeteries and the Titanic ~ they gifted me with these photos from their tour of headstones from several victims that perished in the Titanic disaster. I am anxious to share them with you on "Tombstone Tuesday" ~ Thank you Mike and Linda, you are the best!


A brief timeline:
Commissioned by The White Star Line, the construction of the Titanic began on March 31, 1909 by shipbuilder Harland and Wolff's Belfast, Ireland, yard.

The Titanic's maiden voyage was on April 10th, 1912, approximately at noon. On April 14th, 1912, at approximately 11:40 p.m., the Titanic's starboard side scraped past an ice burg, causing a series of small punctures below the waterline. Water began rushing into the Titanic's hull. Around midnight, Captain Smith gave the orders to ready the lifeboats. The first lifeboat was lowered into the ocean at 12:45 a.m. The band, led by, Wallace Hartley, continued to play as passengers filled the lifeboats. The last life boat left at 2:05 a.m., there were still 1,500 passengers stranded on the ship. Shortly afterward at approximately 2:10 a.m., the Titanic's bow sinks further underwater. At 2:17 a.m. the stern rises out of the water, causing a strain and the bow and stern break apart, landing 2,000 feet away from each other. At 2:20 a.m., the Titanic slips from view and sinks to the bottom of the ocean where she lays at rest today.

April 17th, 1912, Mackay-Bennett chartered by White Star Lines, leaves Halifax, Nova Scotia, for the North Atlantic to start recovering victims' bodies. April 21st, 1912, the Mackey-Bennett crew begins recovering over 300 bodies in six weeks, one-third are buried at sea. On May 3rd, 1912, burial of victims begin at Halifax cemeteries. About 50% of the 150 bodies buried were unidentified
~ Rest in Peace ~

I took brief excerpts from the Timeline of the Titanic ~

 I am not related to any persons named in the photos above (as far as I know). The photos used in this post were taken by Michael and Linda B. and given to me with full permission to use on Ginisology Blog.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy 126th Birthday, Great Opa, Peter Saule~

My great grandfather, Peter Saule was born on this day, November 2nd, in the year 1883 in Waldberg, Germany ~ died the 20th day of May in 1957 in Augsburg, Germany.

Great Grandfather Saule was actually my maternal step great grandfather. I have not researched my Saule line as of yet, so I have very little information on him or family members.
Peter Saule married my great grandmother, Margarete Kaiser Saule (1888~1972) when my grandmother "Oma" (as I call her) Lieselotte Haf was only six years old, Oma is still living in Germany.
Opa Saule's occupation in life was a Mortician. Opa also managed the goings on at the cemetery. As I gathered this little bit of information from my mom, she said, "he was a very quiet man, and I had a lot of respect for him." I am looking forward to researching the Saule family. As to the identity of my natural maternal great grandfather, I'm afraid I will never know, unfortunately, no one knows who that was.

The photo is of my great grandmother Margarete Kaiser Saule, my Oma~~ Lieselotte Kaiser Saule Haf and my great grandfather, Peter Saule.

Happy Birthday Opa!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Surname Saturday ~ Butterfly Word Mosaic

ImageChef Word Mosaic -   ImageChef.com

Cindy over at Everything's Relative shared a fun way to display Surnames, thought I would join in on the fun, thank you Cindy!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Costume School Parade

My grand kids Ethan and Emma had a Halloween Costume Parade at their school today. There were so many cute costumes! The above collage shows a few of them off!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month~ Surviving Breast Cancer~

Breast Cancer Awareness ~ I am joining
Apple in Sharing how Breast Cancer has effected me and my family.
In May of 2000, I was diagnosed with very early stage Breast Cancer...a life changing experience.

I never expected to hear those words, "you have breast cancer!" At that very moment I had what you would call "an out of body experience." I could hear my husband asking the Dr. questions and then several people came rushing in and were re-assuring me that I had plenty of people around me to help me get thru this. All I could think of was - this is it for me. I was scared beyond words.

I was a very blessed girl, I had a Lumpectomy with eight weeks of radiation and five years of Tamoxifen. Besides a small scar, you cannot even tell. It was caught so very early and I was followed very closely, and still today I am checked regularly.

The support and love that I received from my family, my friends, co-workers was incredible and I know that their love and support helped me heal and get thru what I feel was the hardest time in my life. My husband went to each and every treatment and Dr. appt. with me and it made all the difference in the world. My daughter and six month old grandaughter were living with me at the time, each day when I would get up and get ready for my treatment, I would see the smile on my grandaughters little face, she gave me strength and courage - I knew I would be fine! It's been nine years for me...each day is a celebration!

Self exams and yearly mammograms are so important. Had I not done a self exam, the outcome may have been much worse. The cancer was not detected by my mammogram I just had four months earlier, I found the lump myself! One in every eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer, its an epidemic.

There isn't a day that goes by that I don't worry, but I can tell you that you look at life so much differently. You embrace your family and friends and just life itself. I love life and it is good to me. I don't sweat the small stuff as much (still working on that!). I have so much gratitude for all that I have.

Also, becoming addicted to genealogy and doing my family history has made an incredible difference in my life too, I look at "family" so much differently. One of the things I found researching my paternal line, my great aunt Virginia...my namesake, passed away from breast cancer ! I was blown away when I received her death certificate!

The friends, support and love from the genea-family community is priceless and I am blessed to be a part of it. I almost didn't post about this, but I feel it is important to share in hopes to helping others.

It is fitting that October is Breast Cancer Awareness and Family History month, they both have changed my life...I am here to share! Thank you Apple for your support and sharing how breast cancer has effected your life, your friend is in my thoughts and prayers. Hopefully we can help others avoid this terrible disease.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Treasure Chest Thursday, Email Inbox Treasure!

"A Prayer For Genealogists"

I found a treasure chest of genealogy quotes and poems as I was cleaning out my email in-box (very behind!) today - good timing for Treasure Chest Thursday
My dear genealogy friend Rachel had sent me a ton of genealogy quotes and poems last year via email. I met Rachel thru Ancestry.com's message board when I had very first started my own family history.
Rachel helped me more than I can ever express in just saying thank you. She has been doing genealogy for many years and both of our ancestors hail from Kentucky. We had discussed our love for poems and quotes related to genealogy and family history. Next thing I knew, she had sent over a ton of them.
I have a treasure chest full to share, some you may have already read, some not, but they really are wonderful. This isn't your typical Treasure Chest Thursday post, but it does mean alot to me.

A Prayer For Genealogists

Lord, help me dig into the past,

And sift the sands of time;

That I might find the roots that made

This family tree of mine.

Lord, help me trace the ancient roads,

On which my fathers trod;

And led them through so many lands,

To find our present sod.

Lord, help me find an ancient book

Or dust manuscript,

That's safely hidden now away

In some forgotten crypt.

Lord, let it bridge the gaps that haunts

My soul when I can't find,

The missing link between some name

That ends the same as mine.

Author ~ Curtis Woods~

Source: Rachel my friend, thank you.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Tombstone Tuesday~ Wyatt Earp Relatives ~

Digital photo taken and held by Gini Webb (address for private use) San Diego, CA October 19, 2009

I have temporarily run out of my own Tombstone Tuesday photos (computer problems and accessing my photos). As I went on line the other day, I was checking out the San Diego Genealogical Society here in San Diego (I am thinking of joining), I clicked on a local cemetery that was listed on the SDGS site under Records available online (link below) .

El Cajon Cemetery was officially founded in 1903. The history on it is wonderful. I decided I wanted to check it out and did so yesterday! I was out walking around in the original (dry) part of the cemetery when the caretaker Joe Dodson came up to me and asked if I needed anything. I explained to him that I am doing genealogy and that I wanted to see this particular cemetery. He was so helpful and shared some of the history with me. He said, "We don't really have anyone big and famous but over there are relatives of Wyatt Earp" - my ears perked up and I knew I was going to head over to that one.

He also gave me Marna Clemons phone number, Marna took over the transcribing project, did extensive research, coordinated the final survey for publishing. I look forward to connecting with Marna. We meet the nicest most helpful people along our genealogy journeys.

Also close by were the grave sites of the "Butterfield Stage Coach" people. I am not sure if they were employees or passengers but the Butterfield Stage Coach route went thru San Diego and further out east of San Diego which I have been on in a jeep. I didn't get a chance to find those graves and I had forgotten to take my camera (I know, what the heck was I thinking, my phone didn't do too bad of job with Earp photo)!

I will be going back but I wanted to share this photo of Wyatt Earps relatives. I do not know what the relationship was, but according to the caretaker, they were direct descendants. I did take a few other photos of very old headstones and will post those soon. I was looking to see if I recognized any names that may have appeared in any of our genea-blogs, I am not native to San Diego nor do I have any ancestors here. One never knows where you may find your ancestor, so I wanted to share with you!

Take a moment to read the history on this cemetery, there are several buried there that are not native to San Diego or California, there is a list of surnames after the preface and acknowledgements, a few I saw are originally from Wyoming and Colorado.

I really enjoyed walking thru this cemetery, it was very quiet and peaceful, it's tucked away and not many know it's even there.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wordless Wednesday~

Digital Photo Owned and held by Gini Webb (address for private use)San Diego, CA 2009

Blacksmith Shop and Livery Stable
Julian, CA

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Getting to Know you! GeneaBloggers - May I Introduce You To Articles Round-Up~

Collage created by Gini Webb October 2009

Many of you may have heard, I have been authoring the recent May I Introduce You To series on GeneaBloggers. This has been a great experience and I have been learning so much!

I am fairly new to the genealogy blogging circuit and actually blogging in general. I had many fears about starting my own genealogy blog: I felt that others would not be interested in reading what I had to share on my blog. Also, I have only been doing my own family history for less than two years, without much research or family history experience under my belt, so there really wouldn’t be a lot of material to post about yet.

In addition, I was working full time up to October 6th, but now I am gratefully retired, as I want to pursue genealogy almost full time. I feel I have found something I love to do - now, I just need to learn to improve my writing skills and stlye for my blog. Being a part of the genea-blog family as I call it has taught me so much about many different things that I would not have learned had I not started blogging.

Writing the May I Introduce You To articles has given me the opportunity to improve my writing skills. I love doing the articles and learning about other genealogy bloggers, how they started their blogs, what their fears about blogging were in addition to understanding their heritage and history. There are so many incredibly talented and knowledgeable people who make a difference in so many of our lives and the lives of others.

It is my pleasure to write the articles and get to know many of you. I want to thank GeneaBloggers for such a great opportunity. It just doesn’t get any better than this!

If you haven’t had the opportunity to read the articles I have featured so far, click on the blog links below and enjoy…leave a comment to let them know you stopped by. I look forward to featuring many more of you in the future.

The May I Introduce You To?…..Roundup~

14 July 2009 ~ Elyse’s Genealogy Blog by Elyse Doerflinger
One of our youngest genealogy bloggers, Elyse brings fresh and new ideas to genealogy blogging.

25 July 2009 ~ Al's Polish-American Genealogy Research Blog by Al Wierzba Researching and sharing his Polish-American ancestry.

August 4, 2009 ~ The You Go Genealogy Girls by Ruby Coleman and Cheri Hopkins
Double the genealogy fun!

14 Aug 2009 ~ Jake Fletcher’s Genealogy Project by Jake Fletcher
Jake’s wonderful experience of his internship at the New England Historical Genealogy Society.

25 Aug 2009 ~ Heritage Happens by Cheryl Palmer
Where Cheryl’s heritage is always happening.

2 Sept 2009 ~ The Internet Genealogist by Leah Allen
Leah is a college student passionate about genealogy

23 Sept 2009 ~ BeNotForgot by Vickie Everhart
Rich in family history and amazingly creative.

8 Oct 2009 ~ Georgia Black Crackers by Mavis Jones
Sharing her long time research about her African-American family history.

If you would like me to feature your blog, please feel free to email me at: ginisology@gmail.com -I would love to share you with the genealogy blogging community.

The May I Introduce You To?…. is a feature of GeneaBloggers.

2009, Copyright Gini Webb

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Thank you for nominating Ginisology!

Ginisology has been nominated for Family Tree Magazines Top 40 Genealogy Blogs! I am lucky enough to be listed amongst the 12 most creative, helpful, informative genealogy blogs in the Personal/Family Category and I am very grateful, Thank you! Ginisology is fairly new and to be on that list is quite a surprise and honor!

If you haven't voted yet, do head over and vote for your favorites in each category, and you can vote more than once, it's ok! Every blog is unique and has so much to offer, it's tough picking them. You have until Nov 5th, 2009.
Also, please check out footnoteMavin's wonderful poll roll here, she has made it very easy, thank you fm. If you haven't had the opportunity to check BeNotForgots geneablogs in a cloud of nominee's, head on over, as always Vickie is so creative and she did a beautiful job of showing us off, thank you!
Voting is open, good luck to everyone.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Aunt Glady's

This is the only photo I have of Gladys. She is standing (her left) next to my Grandmother Inez and her sisters.
Photo digitally owned by Gini Webb ~ electronically received from my cousin Dawn Flannery Inman 2008 ~ Original owner is unknown

Today would be my paternal Aunt Gladys Ollie Tabeling Jagger's Birthday~
She was born on 4 Oct 1910 in Cloverport, Breckenridge, Kentucky ~ passed away on 21 Dec 1980 in Hart Co., Kentucky ~ Internment at Upton Cemetery, Hart County, Kentucky.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Uncle Helmut and Uncle Adi

Originals owned by my mother Elfriede Haf~Serafin, originials now held by Gini Webb
(address for private use) San Diego, CA 2009
This is my first attempt at a photo collage via Picasa

The Haf Identical Twins ~ See Oct 2, 2009 post
Today is my Uncle Helmut 10.3.1940 ~ 12.20.1994 and
Adalbert 10.3.1940 ~ 10.2.2004 birthday's.
They are dearly missed and forever in our hearts.
Happy Birthday!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Uncle Adi ~ You are missed~ On this date five years ago~

Funeral Memorial Card owned and held by Gini Webb (address for private use) San Diego, CA 2004
Adalbert Haf
Augsburg, Germany

On this day 5 years ago my Uncle Adi passed away. He is very much missed.
Adalbert Haf was an identical twin to Helmut Haf, my maternal German uncles. What is even more amazing is that both their deaths were identical too. Each being diagnosed with the same disease in the same part of the body during routine physicals ten years apart from each other.

Tomorrow Oct 3rd is their birthday and I will be honoring them on their day.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

On this day 427 years ago~

It is said that my ninth Grandfather Robert Innes in 19th Baron of Innes ~ b: 1562 ~ d: 1634 ~ married Elisabeth Elphinstone on 1 Oct 1582. Happy Anniversary!

I have not verified this information as of yet, the information was obtained thru a family book created and compiled by Roberta Iiames of Ohio. She has spent over 30 years researching the Innes/I'an's/IIams/Ijams/Iams/Imes/Ijames Family History. Additional source of information from: Lois Ijams Hartman and her privately printed book "Remembered in this Land"
Now being retired - I am looking forward to sourcing and verifying this data hopefully in some way on my own.

It is also said that we are descendants of Edward II King of England, which is Robert Innes ancestor. I have not validated this data. Compiled by: Guy and Roberta Iiames, Springboro, Ohio

~ Roberta has been an incredible support and contributor to my research on the Ijames Family, thank you Roberta, you are very generous with your time and research.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wordless Wednesday ~ My Dad holding Janice

~My Dad, John Adam Eimes, 27 Dec 1931 ~ 14 Jan 1997~
~Janice, Birthdate unknown~

Photo digitally held by Gini Webb (address for private use) San Diego, CA
Original held by Larry Carmichael - Janice is Larry's sister (my cousin), St. Louis, MO electronically sent to me 7.29.09
Shared with his permission

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A New Chapter in My Life ~ I've Retired!

My retirement card from my Co-Workers Original card held by Gini Webb (address for private use) San Diego, CA 28, Sept 2009

I have been fortunate to have an early retirement! My hubby retired in May from his career of 30 years with the city. He wasn't quite ready to retire but the city was messing with the employees medical insurance and imposing a 6% decrease in pay by June 30th. As hard as it was, he made the decision to retire early and has life time medical. He has now been hired by another agency and is happy to be working again doing what he loves the most!
Even though he hung out with the grand kids all summer, and loved it (grandpa is the bomb) he was ready to give up his Mr. Mom position to me! Hubby knew that I was stressed and the line of work I was in was taking it's toll on me. He said a few weeks ago, "Would you like to retire?" Uhhh, you don't have to ask me twice! I have been waiting a long time for this day! I am finally retired and loving it- and it's only been my first day home!

Retirement Autumn Flower Bouquet from my Company - Digital photo owned and held by Gini Webb (address for private use) San Diego, CA 29, Sept 2009

Sept 28th, 2009 was my last day at a job I had been at for 15 years. I am very excited to be out of the work force stress and the rat race. At the same time I will miss several co-workers that I did get very close to. We will stay in touch. I was so surprised when I received a beautiful Autumn bouquet from the company, lunch of my choice that was brought in, a very nice card signed by all of the employees (most, some were not available), 2 giant Hershey Bars (thank you Rose, she knows that I am a chocoholic) and lots of hugs and a great email from my boss saying thank you for all the years of service I had given (he was away on a cruise). It was a very nice send off.

Now I am able to pursue my genealogy as I have wanted to for several years. I will have time to post, research, organize and I am even seriously considering on line courses to better myself in genealogy. I am also going to be very active in my grand kids lives, I will be taking them to school and picking them up. Today was my first day of doing that and they were very excited to see me waiting there for them! Emma my oldest grandchild said, "how is your first day of being retired Oma?" I said, it's the best Emma!

I have the biggest smile on my face and have felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. It doesn't get any better than this.

I think that my genea-blogger family will be hearing more from me and I will also be able to post more articles on Geneabloggers "May I Introduce You To..." segments for Thomas. I enjoy doing the articles, learning and getting to know new and old bloggers. Like I said, it does not get any better than this - I am extremely grateful for all that I have. So, new beginnings ahead, wow, I am a lucky girl!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Wordless Wednesday ~ My dad as a young boy!

Original held by Larry Carmichael - electronic copy held by Gini Webb
(address for private use only) San Diego, CA August 2009
My father ~ John Adam Eimes
27 Dec 1931 ~ 14 Jan 1997

Saturday, September 19, 2009

First Day of School~ My grandaughter, Emma

When I did the "Smile for the Camera 17th Edition" I did not have a photo for my post, (thank you FootnoteMaven - you make me feel so young!), I will add the photo of Emma at our front door as I had described in my School Days post so that it is complete, but in the meantime here are a few photos below.
My granddaughter Emma's first day of school!

She is my oldest granddaughter, there are six more grandchildren to share (I will share in a later post)! Emma is the little lady in the middle, her two good friends on each side of her! She is such a sweetie. Emma is very interested in genealogy and wants her Oma's (me) help in getting started! Oma is more than happy to oblige.

First Day of School Sept 2009
Left to right - Marina, Emma (my granddaughter) and Alexa, 5th grade.
Photo held by Gini Webb (address for personal use) San Diego, CA

First Day of School (actually a few days later that I took, Emma's mom has first day photos)
Digital photo taken and held by Gini Webb (address for private use) San Diego, CA

This is the traditional photo we have taken since Emma's first day of school in Kindergarten. I will have to dig out the last 4 years! It would be great to see the how she has grown and what she picked to wear on the first day of school. She is getting so big. Holding up her hand is letting us know she is in the 5th grade!