Monday, October 3, 2016

Remembering My Uncles Birthday Today ~

Today would have been my uncles Helmut and Adi's seventy-sixth birthday.  I know they are celebrating with my mom, Oma and Opa in heaven . . . Happy Birthday to two very special uncles in my life who I miss so much.

Me, with my twin uncles in Augsburg, Germany ~ 

Thursday, July 21, 2016

In Loving Memory of Mom ~

Elfriede Haf ~ Serafin 
21 March 1933 ~ 21 July 2010

Six years ago today, was a day that I didn't expect for a long time to come . . . especially since we had just lost my Oma, my mom's mom.  It still doesn't seem like it's been six years since I lost my mom . . . my heart still feels that same ache and I miss her more than ever. 

I do count my blessings everyday . . . I was blessed to have had such a wonderful, wise and loving mother and I have so many wonderful memories of a good life she made for us . . . thank you, mom . . . you live in my heart each and every day . . . we love and miss you. 

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Sentimental Sunday ~ In Memory of my Grand-uncle Morgan ~

In 1913, Morgan Tabeling, my paternal grand uncle, passed away from Cholera at only three months old . . . his twin sister, Mamie, also passed away from Cholera, just nine days later.  He is laid to rest in an unmarked grave at the Tarfork Cemetery in Breckinridge Co., Tarfork, KY.

Morgan's mother and father (my great-grandparents), sister and infant sibling, have been buried in an unmarked grave for over 90 years, in the Cloverport Cemetery, in Cloverport, KY.

In 2015, my aunt and I discussed purchasing a headstone for the Tabeling family grave at the Cloverport Cemetery and including Mamie and her twin brother, Morgan's name even though they are both buried at the Tarfork Cemetery . . . Mamie and Morgan's name are now included and inscribed on this beautiful headstone that my cousin Jim, purchased in June of 2015, for the Tabeling family.

In August of 2015, my family and I traveled to Kentucky to visit my aunt . . . we all took a trip to the Cloverport Cemetery to honor and have a little ceremony for the Tabeling family and their long overdue, headstone.

Rest in Peace little Morgan . . . Rest in Peace our Tabeling Family ~

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Remembering my Grandmother, Liselotte Haf née Kaiser~Saule ~

~ Unvergessen ~ 

On this day, six years ago, my maternal grandmother, Liselotte Haf née Kaiser-Saule,   (1913 ~ 2010), passed away peacefully in her sleep. Oma was 96 years old . . . she lived a long life.

Oma survived her city, Augsburg, being bombed and having to take her twin boys to a shelter while my mom was carted off to a farm outside the city for safety for several months. She raised three wonderful children and was there for my grandfather, Adalbert (1907 ~ 1968) when he was shot in the shoulder while serving in the war.

How I wish I could sit and talk with her about all those experiences and learn more about her life . . . she is very missed but I know she is with my mom, Elfriede (1933 ~ 2010) her twin sons, Helmut (1940 ~ 1994) and Adi (1940 ~ 2004), and my grandfather, doing what she did so well, taking care of her family . . . we love you Oma ~

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Photo taken at my wedding reception on, Sept. 24, 1988, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Webb, my mother and father-in-law. My Oma was visiting from Augsburg, Germany, so we planned the wedding around her visit . . . what a blessing it was to have both Oma and my mom with me that day.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Wordless Wednesday ~ Father and Daughter ~

My (yours truly) maternal grandfather , Adalbert Haf b. 27 Feb 1907 ~ d. 9 Feb 1968 and
my mom, Elfriede Haf, b. 21 Mar 1933 ~ d. 21 July 2010 ~  
I am guessing this photo was taken when mom was about six or seven, so maybe in 1940 or 1941. 
It's so neat to see my mom as a little girl . . . so cute with her little hat. Love this photo. 

~ The original ~ 

Friday, January 15, 2016

Blogiversary ~ 7 Years Today ~

~  My desk during the holidays 2015 ~

It's hard to believe I have had my blog for seven years now. It seems like yesterday that I was so nervous about it all!  Not that I still don't get nervous but blogging has definitely taken a back seat due to my daily life and family happenings.  Just not enough time in the day!

I am working on several family history projects that I started several years back . . . I am now just getting back to completing them . . . two family history books and a memorial album for ancestors that have passed away that my mom (1933~2010) started before she passed . . . I am looking forward to blogging about some of those projects as I complete them. I have much to catch up on my blog here, in my office and researching.

My family and I took a trip to visit my Aunt Ginnie in Kentucky in August of 2015 . . . great trip! Took lots of photos of the Cloverport Cemetery and the graves of many ancestors that are buried there . . . quaint little town and Kentucky is so beautiful. Visited family in Missouri and cousins in Rowlett, Texas where they were hit pretty hard recently by a tornado, family is all okay there thank goodness. I hope to blog about that trip also.

Blogging has connected me to so many wonderful friends, family and fellow genealogists, how Blessed I am.

Here's to many more years of being a part of a wonderful genealogy community and meeting many more cousins and friends.