~ Happy Holidays and warm Christmas wishes to all of the genea~bloggers and your families ~ and to making many new memories in the New Year for generations to come . May all your genea~wishes come true ~
~The Webb Family~
Joyous Noel card is from: The Feathered Nest
Thank you both for such beautiful images.
All other images are held and owned by Gini Webb 2009~
Victorian Christmas card is from my Uncle Adi. Frohe Weihnachten tag is from my cousin Marion, and in the two lower corners on each side are the inside and back of a Christmas card I made in 2007 that holds a square piece of chocolate inside.
Beautiful Gini! Thank you and Merry Christmas to you and your family! Have a wonderful holiday!
That is some fine work! Like Cheryl said, BEAUTIFUL! Have a wonderful holiday.
Lovely card Gini. May your family have a Merry Christmas and a very blessed New year.
I thank you so much for the compliments! I love to make my own cards, going digital is one way I have been wanting to learn for a long time. I am still learning and learning from some of the best. I have a ways to go! I am happy with the way it came out and I am even happier that you all like it! From the heart ~ I wish you all a beautiful and Merry Christmas.
This is really beautiful and a very nice holiday wish. Thanks and Merry Christmas!
Thanks for stopping by, Gini! What a great way to bring in the New Year, eh? :) Hope you had a Merry Christmas and wishing you a wonderful 2010.
What a lovely card.
I missed you at Christmas, but I want to wish you a beautiful and blessed new year ahead.
I DO love what you did with this design! You have a good eye for color and placement of the design elements. Good work! V.
Thank you Vickie, I have a ways to go but enjoying the learning journey. Thank you for the inspiration and ideas, learning from the best.
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