Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Wedding Wednesday ~ Joseph and Maria Beierlein

Joseph Beierlein and Maria Saule

Maria Beierlein nee Saule, is my grand step-aunt . . . step-sister to my Oma, Liselotte Haf nee Kaiser-Saule (1913~2010).

I found this wonderful wedding photo among the photos that my mom, Elfreide Haf-Serafin (1933~2010), brought back from Germany in April of 2010. I noticed aunt Maria's flower bouquet is very similar to my mom's bridal bouquet in this → photo - both so beautiful.

I remember very little of aunt Maria and I spent some time today attempting to find records on her but was unsuccessful . . . time to call my auntie Gitta in Augsburg.


Jana Iverson Last said...

What a lovely wedding photo!

Gini said...

Thank you, Jana. I am going thru lots of photos, scanning and organizing . . . this photo caught my attention and ended up in a post!

I need to find out about our Maria . . . research time.

Anonymous said...

That is indeed a delightful photo... what a handsome couple :-)

Colleen G. Brown Pasquale said...

Beautiful photo. You must discover what their life together was like.

The Path Traveled said...

What a beautiful couple! I looked for about an hour trying to find them, but with no luck. There is a Joseph Beierlan and also a Marie Saule on find a grave. MAYBE??
I hope you find them.
Thank you, Gini, for the lovely flowers you left on my mothers memorial. We both have a lot in common and loving memories of our mothers.

Gini said...

Thank you Betty . . . yes we do have a lot in common and we will stick together . . . you always leave such beautiful messages on my mom's memorial, thank you for that, it means a lot. I will be thinking of your dear mom and of you tomorrow . . . she sure was beautiful.

I will do some checking on those Find A Grave memorials you looked up . . . just never know, MAYBE! Hugs to you Betty ~