Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Wordless Wednesday ~ My Oma

My grandmother 'Oma' Liselotte Haf ~ 1913 ~ 2010

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For the past couple of months and as time permits . . . I have been scanning and organizing the many photos I received when my grandmother and mom passed away in 2010. I created a photo album of my maternal Haf line in a timeline fashion. It turned out great and I am happy with the results. It sort of tells our story in photos and instead of photos being in boxes, they are out for us all to look at when we like . . . eventually, I want to make it into a book which will be much easier now that the photos are already in order.

As I was creating this photo album, I came across this photo of my Oma . . . I just smiled . . . this is such a natural and wonderful photo of her . . . now my favorite.


Wendy said...

Your Oma's picture reminds me of one of my mom when she wasn't posing for the camera, just caught in a moment and looking her best. I can see why this is a favorite.

Gini said...

Wendy ~ yes, it's a moment that was spontaneous and natural. When I came across this photo, I just smiled because I could feel her warmth and personality. Glad you stopped by.

Anonymous said...

Lovely picture--your grandmother looks like a wonderful person.

Gini said...

Thank you Sheryl . . . she sure was, I have so many good memories of her . . . this photo really shows her fun side. So glad you stopped by.