Thursday, January 15, 2015

Ginisology's 6th Blogiversary ~

On this day, in 2009, I started Ginisology, you can read all about opening day on my → first blog post. I was pretty nervous! It's hard to believe it has been five, correction, six years since I started Ginisology, time has passed so quickly. I had big blogging dreams for the last five, I mean, six years, but as non-genealogy life stuff happened, I didn't blog as much as I would have liked. I appreciate all my genealogy blogging friends that haven't given up on me, continued to visit and left comments for me with the few posts I did manage to get out there.

I am currently working on a book in Blurb, documenting my maternal line . . . most of which are only photos and that's okay but I sure would love to know more of the stories. I hope to blog some of those pages as I go along . . . Ginisology will always be a place where I want to leave and share my family history discoveries.

Thank you all for the support you always give . . . I have met the most wonderful people because of this blog and the love of family history.


Jacqi Stevens said...

Gini, yes those years can fly by so quickly. Congratulations on your five years of blogging. And here's to many more! You have many stories left to share, and many readers looking forward to reading them.

Miriam Robbins said...

Happy Blogiversary, Gini! But if you started in 2009, isn't it your 6th? Whichever one it is, I hope to continue to read your post for a very long time! Congratulations!

Jana Iverson Last said...

Happy Blogiversary!

tootsie said...

Pretty cool Gini!

Andrea Kelleher said...

Happy Blogiversary! What a milestone!