Saturday, February 11, 2012

In Memory of, Laura K. Tabeling ~ 1900 ~ 1976

Jan. 29, 1900
Feb. 11, 1976
Saint Mary of the Woods Cemetery
Breckinridge Co., McQuady, Kentucky 


Remembering my 1st cousin, 2x removed, she died on this day, the 11th of February, in 1976, in Hardin Co., Kentucky.

Little did I know in April of 2008, when I took this photo, that Laura was one of my cousins. I had just started doing my family history in 2008. When I visited Saint Mary of the Woods cemetery, there were several Tabeling grave sites and I was making sure I snapped photos of all of their graves, not really knowing of our kinship. These photos have been tucked away on my computer since then.

Rest in Peace, Laura . . . .


Dani Jonsson- Lopez said...

Very nice post for your Opa. :) Stories of grandparents close with their grandkids always tug at my heartstings....

Gini said...

Thank you, Dani, sure would have liked getting to know him more. Glad you stopped by.