Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happiest New Year Wishes for 2013 ~

Wishing family, friends and genea~friends, a happy and healthy New Year! 

Image courtesy of Vintage Holiday Crafts ~


Jana Iverson Last said...

Happy New Year to you too Gini!!!

Carol said...

Happy New Year Gini!

Anonymous said...

That's a lovely card. Happy New Year, Gini, all the best for you and your family for 2013. Jo :-)

Jacqi Stevens said...

And Happy New Year to you, too, my genea-friend! May the upcoming year have much good in store for you.

The Brigham City Fort said...

Happy New Year and Happy Blogging! I've been a member for three months and it was great to share "An Early Christmas Gift" with this community of bloggers. It was also the greatest Christmas gift I could have received.

Lori H said...

Love this one, Gini! Happy New Year!

Jana Iverson Last said...

Happy New Year Gini!

Gini said...

Happy New Year, Jana, Grant and imagespast . . . looking forward to many genealogical discoveries in 2013!

Andrea Kelleher said...

Happy New Year! Wishing you joy and peace in 2013.

Gini said...

Andrea, wishing you and your family the very same! Thank you for taking the time to stop by.

Devon Noel Lee said...

Happy New Year. Sorry it's late.

Jana Iverson Last said...


I wanted to let you know that I've nominated your blog for the "Blog Of The Year 2012" Award. Here's the link ~ http://janasgenealogyandfamilyhistory.blogspot.com/2013/01/three-blog-awards-kindly-given.html

Gini said...

Happy New Year to you also, Devon . . . it's never too late! Thank you for stopping by.

Gini said...

Thank you, Lori, Happy New Year to you too!

Gini said...

Thank You, Jacqi ~ wishing you all the best in this new year!

Colleen G. Brown Pasquale said...

Gini, Happy 2013! May you have many happy posts this year.

Gini said...

Colleen, thank you so much, Happy New Year wishes to you too. I am hoping to get more research in this year which will hopefully give me something to post about!! Glad you stopped by!

Jacqi Stevens said...

Gini, in thinking over our correspondence while working on one of your projects last year, I wanted to recap that experience and send you my thanks. It was so nice getting to know you through that connection.

I really appreciate the encouragement you've since provided me through your comments both here and on my blog, so I just nominated you for the "Liebster Blog Award." (I couldn't help thinking of you the moment I saw the term, Liebster!)

I've explained more about the Liebster Blog Award here.

Thanks again for everything, Gini--not only your encouragement to the many other bloggers you've introduced all your readers to, but for your own stories you've posted here on your blog!

Kathy Walker said...

You have motivated me! I saw your introduction on geneabloggers...I would love to start a blog, I have researched for over 25 years...where to begin? Not certain how to go about it. I have a cooking blog so I know how to blog...just not certain about genealogy "how tos"! Any pointers?

Gini said...

Kate, we can chat via email if you wish. My email is: ginisology at gmail dot com. We can work on getting your blog going! Welcome!

Gini said...

Jacqi ~ Thank you so much for the Liebster Award! You have been an inspiration for me too. I appreciate your support and it was wonderful working with you.

Since we recently lost an dear friend and neighbor, I hope to have a post up soon. I can't thank you enough for thinking of me and lets work together again - that would be great!